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From New York City, New Jersey & Albany
NY Thruway (87) to Albany exit #23 onto I-787N to Rt. 7E-Bennington exit. Take Rt. 7E into Vermont where it becomes Rt. 9E. take Rt. 9E to Wilmington. Left at second light onto Rt. 100N. We are about six miles up on the left, just past the West Dover welcome line.

From Long Island & Connecticut
Take I-95 to New Haven, CT, then take I-91N to exit #2 in Brattleboro, VT. Right onto Rt. 9W to Wilmington. Turn right at the light onto Rt. 100 N We are about six miles up on the left, just past the West Dover welcome line.

From Boston
U.S. Rt. 2W to Greenfield, MA to I-91N to exit #2 in Brattleboro, VT. VT. Right onto Rt. 9W to Wilmington. Turn right at the light onto Rt. 100 N We are about six miles up on the left, just past the West Dover welcome line.

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